Friday 8 October 2010


A blog, I have a blog. A little surprising for me actually since I never really understood the point of them. There is something rather compelling about it though now I think about it. I can say whatever I like here about anyone and anything. Maybe like a diary it will be for my eyes only or maybe the whole world will see it who knows?

I called this entry beginning since it is the first. It doesn't refer to the begining of a story. I find beginings difficult since it's usually unclear when something did begin. Threads of time seem to twist and wrap around events. Sometimes when things happen and they make something that happened years ago make sense I wonder if like a movie the scenes of our lives are shot out of sequence. Time the great editor then comes along and puts it in cronological order.

I'm so tired, it's 11.20pm on a Friday night and I have to admit that I am pretty much ready for bed. Not slept very well this last week. I have chicken pox and they itch.

Night night